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7 Things You Need to Know About Car Tyres

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Maintaining the condition of car tyres may sound like an easy task, however, this is not the case. Getting the right tyres can help with safety, fuel economy, and other performance issues. So, here are seven important details that every driver should understand about car tyres.

It is important to maintain the recommended tyre pressure to ensure that the vehicle functions properly. This is not only important for the safe operation of the car but will also contribute to lower fuel consumption and less damage to the tyres. Under-inflated and over-inflated tyres are prone to uneven tread wear and deterioration of tread, making them less effective in gripping the road. The amount of tyre air pressure can be assessed in the vehicle manual or inside the driver’s door. It is worth checking the pressure regularly, especially before long journeys.

One little-known detail is that your tyres usually have a ‘birth date’ stamped on their sidewall. This is known as the DOT code which indicates the week and the year the tyre was manufactured. For instance, the number 1521 means that the tyre was manufactured in the fifteenth week of 2021. Why is it important? Tyres can degrade over time, even if they are not being used. Generally, it is a good practice to change the tyres regardless of tread wear, usually after five to six years.

Driving in the cold season has its challenges but making use of winter tyres improves the condition. They use a higher content of natural rubber, which allows it to remain flexible in cold weather, improving the grip on snowy or ice-covered roads. However, they become effective only when the temperature gets to 7°C or lower. Using them in a warmer climatic condition will result in faster deterioration and reduced efficacy. In areas with extended cold weather conditions, switching to winter tires could be a wise choice.

Ever looked at the numbers and letters on your tyre’s sidewall and wondered what they mean? They provide a whole lot of information. For example, a marking like 205 / 55 R16 denotes the tyre width in millimetres (205 mm), the aspect ratio (55%), and rim size in inches (16 inches). There is also a load index that indicates how much weight the tyre can support as well as a designated speed which the tyre is rated for. The knowledge of these numbers is useful for instance when one is searching for replacements or wants to have an idea about the efficiency of the current tyres.

Run-flat tyres are a great innovation for people who detest the thought of being stranded by a puncture. These tyres have sturdy sidewalls, which allow a limited distance of driving after a puncture at reduced speeds. You may reach a garage or get back home without changing the tyre on the road. It is worth noting though that while run-flat tires are convenient their use has to be minimized, owing to the fact once punctured they need to be replaced.

Tyres need to have enough tread depth to provide grip, particularly in wet conditions. In the UK, the minimum thickness of tyre tread acceptable by law must be 1.6 millimeters across the central three-quarters of the tyre. There is a simple way on how to check this using a 20-pence coin. Take the coin and insert it on the tyre tread, if the tyre covers the outer circle of the coin, it is still wearing within a legally acceptable level. Worn tread reduces your ability to stop quickly which means proper and regular inspecting and changing of worn out tyres is encouraged.

All the tyres sold in the UK since 2012 are provided with a tyre safety label. The tyre label indicates how well the tyre performs in three parameters: wet grip, fuel efficiency and noise levels. Wet grip is particularly important for safety as it indicates the stopping power of the tyre in rainy conditions. Fuel efficiency can help if you wish to cut down on petrol bills while noise level indicates the loudness of the tyre. Paying attention to these labels when purchasing new tires can help one make a good choice.

Your tyres are one of the most important components of your car since these are the only parts that make contact with the road. It is therefore necessary to understand their functionality and maintenance requirements. Whenever you have a query about your tyres or would like to get new ones, Tyred and Exhausted is the place to be. We carry out thorough testing, fitting, and provision of tyres to enhance the optimal performance of your car. Visit any of our locations or contact one of our specialists today!

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